Compliance management is an essential part of our philosophy for sustainability across all our activities. Procedures and systems are in place to ensure that compliance and business ethics are fully honored in all interactions with our stakeholders including our members, customers and business partners. In the latter half of 2019, a new Code of Conduct was adopted that combines an ethics charter, code of ethical practices and global compliance guidelines. The Code of Conduct provides the basis that our members in and outside Korea as well as our business partners use to make value judgments and take actions. We also have a compliance officer, who is responsible for compliance control, and an organization supporting him/her to review how compliance plans are set up and implemented to report findings from the review to the board of directors. To ensure efficient compliance and ethical management, we maintain a risk management system and standard procedures for the contract and internal control system to prevent any violation or unethical behavior.
Hyundai Mobis is deriving important corporate risks by conducting regular assessments on types of compliance risks such as non-compliance with work ethics including anti-corruption such as bribery, harassment, and sexual harassment. In addition, based on the results of assessment, we are conducting coaching for team leaders to eliminate risks, team-level seminars, and other improvement activities.
Program | Target | Performance in 2023 |
Training for compliance awareness and competency building in key areas1) | Basic (all employees)2) | 9,658persons |
Compliance training for information protection and security | Advanced (divisions at customer contact point and persons in charge) | 10,870persons |
Compliance training expariate employees | 84persons | |
Compliance training for recruitment | 56persons | |
Compliance training for leaders | 69persons | |
Compliance training for disclosure | 68persons | |
Compliance training for fair trade and subcontracting | 712persons | |
Compliance training for intellectual property | 213persons | |
Compliance training for safety and environment | 6,528persons | |
ESG Mindset Training | 6,449persons | |
Safety Management System Leadership Training | 682persons | |
Overseas entities Compliance Training | 1,252persons | |
Compliance Training for safety and environment | Suppliers | 329companies |
Environmental Compliance Training | 288companies |
1) Compliance management system (Code of Conduct), ethics and anti-corruption, human rights management (human rights protection policy, compliance with labor-related law, anti-discrimination, prohibition of acts to violate human rights, working environment improvement, etc.), workplace sexual harassment prevention, improvement of awareness of the disabled in the company, information protection, safe environment, improvement of awareness of contract risk, tariff
2) Excluding on-site/contract/dispatch workers
We are well aware that the implementation of business ethics and anti-corruption policies is the source of our sustainable growth. Bearing this in mind, we work to ensure that our corporate culture prioritizes fairness and transparency so that we are fully trusted by all stakeholders.
Employees of Hyundai Mobis are responsible for avoiding conflicts of interest which may arise when personal interests interfere with our ability to make objective decisions at work. Even potential conflicts should be avoided. His/her job must be carried out with integrity in a fair manner in full compliance with the applicable rules, and all obligations required by his/her title and position in connection with the job must be fulfilled.
General Conflicts of Interest
Employees of Hyundai Mobis are responsible for avoiding conflicts of interest which may arise when personal interests interfere with our ability to make objective decisions at work.
Employees s hould be mindful of personal relationships and family members, as transactions or arrangements with anyone you have a personal connection to is prohibited. Employees should not engage in personal activities that may reflect adversely on the Company or otherwise suggest a possible conflict of interest. As Employees of Hyundai Mobis, we expect our jobs at the Company to be prioritized ahead of any other business opportunities or secondary careers. Employees should also keep in mind that investing in a company that does business with or competes with Hyundai Mobis can be considered a conflict of interest
Insider Trading
Employees are prohibited from disclosing or using internal information of the Company for their own personal benefit.
purchasing or recommending the purchase of securities
conversing with others about assets related to new investments by the Company.
'Internal information' refers to undisclosed or confidential information that may affect the value of the Company's stocks or securities, such as information on mergers and acquisitions, profit dividend policies, and major research results.
Confidential internal information : Information not publicly disclosed that might affect the valuation of the company’s stock or securities.
Appropriate Use of Company Assets
Hyundai Mobis' assets and facilities must only be used to conduct legitimate business or for any purposes approved by the Company.
Our assets include (i) anything that is invented, obtained or owned by the Company; (ii) all physical assets, such as f ixtures, equipment and facilities and, (iii) all technological and intellectual assets, such as trade secrets and intellectual property. All of Hyundai Mobis' assets are provided for our business use only, in accordance with the Company's policies. Our assets should not be used for personal use or activities.
Compliance at Work
All work must be carried out according to the regulations and procedures of the Company.
Rules, standards and guides applicable to the job to be performed must be fully understood.
All decision-making d ocuments must be kept and protected from loss or damage, for the necessary retention period and must comply with the applicable laws and management regulations.
Unreasonable Work Directions
Manners should be honored at work. No seniority in rank may be used to give undue job instructions.
If Employees are given unreasonable work directions which affects their impartial work performance, the direction should not be followed. An Employee who feels personally disadvantaged for not following a unreasonable work direction should consult the Compliance Department.
Signing of Contracts
Negotiation and signing of contracts shall be carried out within the delegated authority, and all final contracts (including electronic ones) should be in written form and in accordance with the Company's policies, procedures and related regulations.
Contracts (including electronic ones) must made be in writing.
All contracts must contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties, and the results of the contract must be recorded and archived appropriately.
We comply with all anti-corruption laws and regulations in all countries where we operate and ensure that no illegal solicitation or offer is made to, or accepted by, any stakeholder that might impair fair performance of any job whatsoever.
No undue economic favor may be given, accepted, promised or offered.
The UN Convention against Corruption and other local anti-corruption laws must be followed.
Economic favor (Money, asset, service, privilege, donation, facilitation payment)
Gifts, Entertainment and Hospitality
No gift or entertainment is tolerable if it is beyond the socially acceptable level and might, or might be deemed to, affect relevant decision making.
Provisions under the anti-corruption law or the company’s relevant rules will apply, whichever is stricter.
Political Neutrality
We do not tolerate any illegal donation or coverage of expenses for any political purpose.
Not tolerable whether such involvement is monetary, uses any company asset or supports our member’s policy activity.
Our individual members’ political views are fully respected, but no political activity is tolerated at work.
Principle of Human Rights and Due Diligence
In order to have Hyundai Mobis proactively support human rights, prevent human rights violations following the operation of the business simultaneously and moderate pertinent risk, Hyundai Mobis hereby proclaims the Policy for Human Rights. For human rights management, Hyundai Mobis is committed to complying with a wide range of recognized human rights/labor-related international standards and guidelines, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and International Labor Organization Constitution and OECD Due Diligence Guidance for responsible Business Conduct, among others.
This Human Rights Policy applies to all executives and employees (including those working in irregular positions) of Hyundai Mobis, including production and sales corporate bodies at home and abroad, subsidiaries, second-tier subsidiaries, and joint ventures. In addition, executives and employees of Hyundai Mobis follow this Policy for Human Rights when collaborating with suppliers, sales and service organizations, and furthermore, we recommend that all stakeholders under the transaction relations respect this Policy for Human Rights. In the event that the matters handled under this Policy for Human Rights contradict the laws and regulations of the local state, the local laws and regulations are complied with first, and with the exception of cases of having special provisions in the laws of local states, articles of incorporation or company regulations of organization, and so forth the works are carried out in accordance with this Policy for Human Rights of Hyundai Mobis.
Hyundai Mobis should establish an internal system required for implementing the human rights management in accordance with this Policy for Human Rights for respecting the human rights of all officers and employees and relieves the ensuing risk, and the human rights risk is regularly evaluated and improved, sufficiently sharing the result with stakeholders. The organization in charge of human rights management for Hyundai Mobis carries out the management system of human rights risk following the principle of good faith and due diligence, and reviews the human rights management procedure on a regular basis, actively reflecting social change to revise the management system.
Establishment and Declaration of Human Rights
Establishment/Performance of the Human Rights Management System
Check and Evaluation of Human Rights Risks
Improvement Support for Human Rights Risks
Disclosure of the Status of the Human Rights Management Record
Article 1 Prohibition of Discrimination
Hyundai Mobis does not discriminate against anyone in the aspect of employment, promotion, education, wage, welfare, etc. on the ground of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, age, family status, social status, and political opinion for all officers and employees and it structures the organizational culture to respect the diversity of officers and employees.
Article 2 Compliance with Working Conditions
Hyundai Mobis complies with the legal work hours for each country where it engages in business and it pays all officers and employees reasonable wages for the work together with the wage statement. In addition, it provides a work environment appropriate for the performance of duties and sufficient opportunity of education for developing the competency of and improving the quality of life for all officers and employees.
Article 3 Humane Treatment
Hyundai Mobis respects the privacy of officers and employees and fully protects personal information and it does not abuse, mentally or physically, or adversely treat any officer or employee.
Article 4 Guarantee of the Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
Hyundai Mobis respects the labor relations laws of the country where this Policy for Human Rights is applied to provide sufficient opportunity for communication with all officers and employees.
Article 5 Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor
Hyundai Mobis does not engage in any act of violence, threat, false imprisonment or the like against any officer or employee and it does not coerce any work against the free will by the method of demanding a personal ID or company ID. In addition, child labor is prohibited in principle and the company takes measures so that minors’ opportunity for education will not be restricted due to their work.
Article 6 Guarantee of Industrial Safety
Hyundai Mobis regularly inspects the facilities, equipment, tools and others of the business premises for all officers and employees to work in a safe work environment and prepares the support plan for post management and appropriate measures for the purpose of preventing physical and mental hazards.
Article 7 Protection of the Human Rights of Local Residents
All officers and employees of Hyundai Mobis are cautioned not to interfere with the human rights of the local residents when carrying out their work. Moreover, the rights to safety and health for local residents, and freedom of residence are protected.
Article 8 Protection of the Human Rights for Customers
All officers and employees of Hyundai Mobis must make it their highest priority to protect the life, health and property of customers when providing products and services, and must make their best endeavors to protect the personal information collected from management activities.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights / UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights / OECD Due Diligence Guidance / ILO Cooperation Convention
In 2020, Hyundai Mobis conducted due diligence on human rights and completed corrective measures for the findings.
Period: Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2021
Scope: Hyundai Mobis, subsidiaries subject to consolidation, and supply chain
Item | Labor1) | Ethics2) | Safety and Health3) |
Number of Inspections | 10,838 | 42 | 1,1164) |
Issues Identified | 0 | 1 | 2,225 |
Actions Taken | 0 | 1 | 2,225 |
1) Working hours status management (system) targeting all domestic employees
2) Reports received and handled through “Hello, HR (employee grievance handling system)”
3) Joint safety and health inspection with specialized external agency (365-day Joint Patrol)
4) Number of visits for business site inspection
For compliance related inquiries or reports, please send an email to the address below,
and you will be replied to quickly.
Remember, compliance is always our top priority. Speak up, Stay safe.
Disclosure of a whistleblower’s identity or any information that might lead to identification of the person without his/her consent is strictly prohibited.
Identity Protected
Any disadvantage or discrimination, including sanctions, against a whistleblower from his/her department or trading partner for his/her report, representation or sharing of relevant documents is not tolerated.
Reduced Sanctions
If the whistleblower is found negligent or responsible in respect of his/her report, sanctions against him/her may be annulled or reduced.